Awareness & Action

by: Ben Broghammer

The next thirty days are dedicated to stomach cancer awareness, and as we kick off the month of November, we recommit ourselves as an organization to our mission and the purpose we set out each and every day to fulfill.  Stomach cancer impacted my life in a way that drove me to create a foundation that would work tirelessly to shape a world where no family would be impacted like mine was, and over the past seven years, we have been witnesses to the transformation of dreams to reality and medical advancements that have left our world better off. We have been a leading example of what a nonprofit should be, held ourselves and the programs we support to the highest standards of excellence, reached for the stars, been on the forefront of medical innovation and miracles, and have never forgotten what the work we are doing means to the million plus patients, families and friends impacted with a new diagnosis annually.  But the work is far from over, and we have so much left to accomplish together.  November is a month dedicated to awareness, and for us it is a time to bring attention to the cause and reason why behind the work we spend each day of the year positively impacting.

Stomach cancer is the 5th most common worldwide, and yet the National Cancer Institution has year over year directed less than a quarter of a single percentage of its budget to stomach cancer research, landing at 0.16% in its last reported year.  That is why funding from the nonprofit sector is vital for change. There is a huge gap to fill, and since 2015, we have chipped away, we have made strides, and we have made a measurable impact. To date, we have supported and made work possible with six programs at four cancer centers. We have witnessed a multiplier effect in which the work we seed funded provided evidence that secured additional funding from others in the medical community. We have been witness to results. We have shaped change. And last year, as we looked ahead to the conclusion of our first decade and the vision of where we see ourselves and our work in the world, we set course toward Project Periwinkle 2025 with our fundraising goal of $1 million by the end of our 2025 fiscal year—an initiative that has raised over $132,000.

So this awareness month, we recommit ourselves to bringing attention to a disease that touches millions each year, we drive our mission forward to advance research that is making a difference, we educate on the importance of prevention and early detection, and we never forget the why behind everything we do. We started in memory of Michon, and we keep pressing forward because of those who have lost battles, are still fighting with everything they have, and so one day no one and no family will have to face a diagnosis of stomach cancer.

To give, please visit us at  Thank you for your generous support!


Leadership Update: Danielle Murphy


Our Next Big Thing